Whatever size your business is, liquid assets turnover is key to achievement.
Our scoring structure introduced here allowed publishers to view the frequency of advertisers’ payments, which means how frequently and regularly advertisers pay, allowing publishers to make informed decisions about particular brands.
Many publishers are wary of choosing their campaign partners based on those marked “green”, which have a reputation for paying on period and regularly. However, those marked “gray” and “red” don’t always meet those standards.
Therefore, we decided to receive one step further towards transparency, as an integral part of our DNA. This includes speeding up payments for publishers aiming at sales and leads in gray and red marked areas, and identifying advertisers whose payments have been less regular or frequently delayed.
Improvements of removal procedure means business growth
Admitad is taking a significant step when it comes to accepting the uncertainty low-frequented payments are associated with, either covering non-paid funds or removing it completely.
Now the game is in publishers’ hands too. Identification function is here to assist. By utilizing the indication function, Admitad experts expect a significantly faster removal for gray and red markered advertisers that require to repay funds. In some cases, it may be up to 50% faster.
Instant Payout for those with no period at their fingertips
We kindly prompt you that we regularly update on further advancement of our Instant Payout. With this service, publishers of Admitad associate Network can switch earned funds’ position from “Awaiting advertiser settlement” to “Ready for removal” before the advertiser actually pays. It’s a great way to immediately reinvest your returns in marketing activities and make even more boost. Over 2500 of our partners have already enjoyed all the advantages of this tool.
Soon, Instant Payout Pro will be introduced. We are now finalizing the initial version of this service, which allows transforming hold (pending) returns to ready for removal before the advertiser confirms it.
Back to removal
Manual and automatic modes available. Instant Payout offers both a manual and an automatic mode. The difference? Users of Instant Payout who choose manual settlement mode will have to wait for up to 24 hours for the application to be processed. When the application is released, it will receive several minutes for such users to procedure, depending on how many actions they receive.
Publisher scoring model. Publisher scoring model to be introduced soon gives more publishers access to the tool, allowing them to be more transparent towards advertisers at various levels; automation and improved scoring of programs are currently in advancement, and intelligent notifications to be introduced soon.
Admitad continues to enhance its services for managing revenues easily; remain updated for recent features and services that will arrive your way soon.